Make It Relevant!

A client asked me how they could improve their application forms. Being a bit of a nerd I did some research and came up with 3 things. The second was: Make it relevant A study published in Oxford’s University’s Public Opinion Quarterly showed that people are more likely to complete a survey when it is relevant to them. The same applies to insurance application forms and factfinders. Nothing turns off a client like seeing questions that are not relevant to them....

May 18, 2021 · 1 min · Brokit

Short & Simple!

A client asked me how they could improve their application forms. Being a bit of a nerd I did some research and came up with 3 things. The first was: Keep it short and simple Remember that old saying: *“less is more”*? When it comes to application forms that is even more true. But we are talking commercial insurance where insurance brokers have no choice but to ask the questions insurers want....

May 10, 2021 · 1 min · Brokit

We're featured on Seadready!

WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DOES YOUR COMPANY DO? “My name is David Mark, and I’m the founder of Brokit. We are a B2B business transforming manual commercial insurance applications forms into truly digital processes.” Check out what else our founder has to say on Seedready’s full article

April 13, 2021 · 1 min · Brokit